Das Chaletdorf - Pitztal

Website Templates | Hotel Content Management System (CMS) | Conversion Optimisation

Exclusive Chalets & Apartments at 1,740 m in Sankt Leonhard in Pitztal - Tyrol - Austria. Das Chaletdorf Pitztal combines numerous sportive possiblities with unmatched hospitality in the Austrian mountains. 

+ 45% revenue since adding conversion triggers
+ 12% organic visitors
+ 65% website inquiries

With a template-based website, Das Chaletdorf converts website visitors into hotel guests.

Das Chaletdorf in Pitztal has asked us to develop a website for their resort. Based on one of our templates we created a stunning website that gives it's visitors a tempting impression of the fine accommodations and facilities that are offered. With the use of our conversion triggers module, the conversion rate (look-to-book ratio) was increased significantly. 

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