Kasteel Kerckebosch

Webdesign | Hotel Content Management System (CMS) | Website Templates | Search Engine Advertising

Kasteel Kerckebosch in Zeist (NL) is an intimate, culinary castle located in the area of Zeist.

+18% website visitors
+30% direct revenue
+58% revenue from Germany after adding extra language

A hotel website template fully adapted to the unique style and characteristics of this charming castle hotel.

For this charming castle hotel, Becurious has developed a new website based on of our hotel website templates. At the request of the hotel, the style has been completely adapted to the wishes, appearance and style of the castle. The website is equipped with connectivity to various booking systems (restaurant, meeting rooms planner and hotel rooms) and modules for rooms, specials, meeting rooms, promo's, etc. 

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We have experienced the cooperation with Becurious as very positive. Thomas and his team work quickly and accurately. The result is a beautiful, easily navigable and fresh website. We therefore warmly recommend Becurious to other hoteliers.

Mr. I. Sloothaak, General Manager/Owner

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